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Peace on Earth





   All appointments are £75 per hour

  • Appointments available Tuesday to Saturday

  • The 1st healing therapy session requires 2 hours but is discounted, see below. In person only.

  • Healing appointments are either 1 hour long, or a 2 hour Intensive, depending on need

  • Spiritual Guidance Readings can be either 30 minutes or 1 hour. Online or in person.

  • Private tuition charged per hour. If shared with friends, reduced rates apply. Online or in person.

Ancient Light

Ancient Light

Other Fees ~

  •   Discounted price* for 1st or 2 hour Intensive Healing appointments                  £130

             *discount does not apply for home visits, so full price at:                                             £150

             If home visit is more than 30 mins drive, travel & time cost is added 

             (not applicable for full House or Business Healing visits)                                       from £50

  •   Spiritual Guidance Readings, 30 minutes                                                                       £40

  •   Online appointments must be paid 24hrs in advance by bank transfer           Apply for details


     Spiritus Exit -                        

  •   Paranormal investigation call-out and/or Psychic Assessment                          £75 - 150                 up to 2 hours - assessment only (for full healing/clearing see below)                                                    Remote Viewing Assessment, written report via email                                             £75 - 150  

             Remote Viewing property details before buying/renting                                          £20 per 15mins

  •   Call-out and full House Healing**, Jane only                                                           £350                 

                 (See Spiritus Exit, below)                                                                                                   - up to 3 beds                                                                                                                                         - small business                                                                                                                                                                                                                      premises


  •   Full spirit release and negative energy clearing and healing of                             £500-650              homes, businesses, buildings and land with 1-2 Healers                                             - up to 4-5 beds 

              **Includes history report, energy dowsing map and follow-up report               - larger business

                     and advice.                                                                                                                                premises                                                                                                           


  •   Larger premises will require a larger team and Spiritus Exit are                    £1000 - 1200+

              able to provide experienced and trustworthy psychic healers to complete

              the task professionally and efficiently.


  •   Country Estates: price on application                                                                                £poa

           Please note:

           For psychic safety and professional reasons House Healing and Soul Rescue Healing

               are not offered as an online or free service.

© Jane Butterworth 2024

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